Papa and Mama Parenting

5 Life-Changing Lessons by Parenting Autism Kids

As parents, we have lots of wishes for our kids, intelligence, kind, strong, but we often forgotten the given gift.

Papa and Mama Parenting

12 Things can Help Raise Kids with Diversity and Inclusion in Mind

It is human nature to find common and different points when we meet another person. Kids are easy to notice.

Papa and Mama Parenting

12 Script Examples to Tell Kids About Death

Death, as we all know, can cause a real rollercoaster of emotions regardless of your age. As adults, we are.

Parenting Quality Time

Creative Things to Draw with Chalk

Are you looking for some creative activities on the weekend or during the school holidays? Do you still remember the.

Parenting Quality Time

21 Best Kids Camping Toys

If you’re a first-time camper or camping with young children for the first time, you might wonder about the best.

Papa and Mama Parenting

Best Non-Toy Gift Ideas for Kids

When birthday or Christmas come, we always struggle of searching for gift ideas, for wife, for kids and other family.

Papa and Mama Parenting

The Pragmatic Tips of Being a Single Parent

After the heart breaking divorce process, being a single parent isn’t easy. But just remember, you’re not alone. There are.


Things to Consider before your Family First Pet

What are the most popular companion animals? Well, the answers actually wouldn’t surprise you too much. According to research from.


How Much Time a Pet Can be Alone?

As a pet owner, you are probably used to having your furry (or not so furry) friend around all the.


10 Reasons for Kids to Have Pet

Americans do love their pets. In 2020, US citizens spent nearly $100 billion on their pets.  That includes money spent.

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