Papa and Mama

Papa and Mama Parenting

Gifted Child in Family, the Effort Behind the Blessing

When my daughter showed her musical, language, and mathematical talents at 3-year-old, her teacher and I were joking, “we are.

Papa and Mama Parenting

5 Life-Changing Lessons by Parenting Autism Kids

As parents, we have lots of wishes for our kids, intelligence, kind, strong, but we often forgotten the given gift.

Papa and Mama Parenting

3 Criteria to Choose Extracurricular Activities For Young Schoolers

Singing, dancing, or piano? Soccer, football, or basketball? Shall both siblings join the art lesson to save one trip? How.

Papa and Mama Parenting

10 Best Extracurricular Activities For Young Schoolers

An ideal primary school provides a supportive environment where kids can fully accomplish their goals and learn. Young children are.

Papa and Mama Parenting

12 Things can Help Raise Kids with Diversity and Inclusion in Mind

It is human nature to find common and different points when we meet another person. Kids are easy to notice.

Papa and Mama Parenting

How to Stop Kids from Chewing Their Shirt

We are all familiar with babies putting everything and anything into their mouths. Usually, as long as the object is.

Papa and Mama Parenting

8 Type of Intelligence – Every Kid is Gifted

When we talk about children’s intelligence, many parents first consider IQ or academic performance in school. Intelligence frequently conjures images.

Papa and Mama Parenting

12 Script Examples to Tell Kids About Death

Death, as we all know, can cause a real rollercoaster of emotions regardless of your age. As adults, we are.

Papa and Mama Parenting

25 Family Road Trip Games with Kids

Some 208 million people in the United States plan on taking a road trip this summer. For some, nothing’s more.

Papa and Mama Parenting

9 Way to Help Stay at Home Mom Depression

Being a stay at home parent isn’t as easy as people often think. There are many people with the stereotype.

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