Getting the family together to take a family photo can be a real challenge. If the kids are young, they cannot stand still for more than three seconds. When they grow elder, trying to find a time slot where everyone is available becomes a real headache. Finally you have found an opening in the calendar and the kids are willing to stand still and smile, what then? Do you wear matching outfits? Do you go and take the photo in a particular location? Does the photo have a theme? Well, let’s take a look at some creative family picture ideas that may help you for some inspiration.
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Table of Contents
Preparation Before Photo Session
If you have a big family, getting the family together is a job all in itself! So be prepared! If you have a particularly busy or big family then maybe plan the photoshoot a few months in advance. By making everybody mark a date on their calendar you are ensuring that nobody is going to be missing from your family photo.
Thankfully, due to advancements in technology, you don’t necessarily have to hire a professional photographer. Our phones and tripod or other devices have fantastic cameras that can capture good quality images. However, if you are wanting the best quality, then perhaps splash out on a professional photographer. If you have decided to take the photo yourself, then you may find this guide useful.
It’s worth giving it some thought as to whether or not you are having the photo at home or outside. You may want a photo in another location entirely, maybe a family photo whilst you are on a family vacation. Whatever your preferred location, it’s worth pre-planning, checking the weather, opening times (if they apply), and how busy the area is going to be.
Have a backup plan
Life doesn’t always go to plan! So, with that in mind, it’s a good idea to have a backup plan just in case you encounter any hiccups. This could be as simple as bringing spare outfits (especially if your kids are young), or something bigger such as a backup photo location.
15 Creative Family Photo Ideas
Now with all of the boring bits out of the way, let’s get into the fun stuff! Here are 15 family picture ideas that will look awesome hanging up on a wall at home. To make things easier I’ve broken it down into indoor and outdoor family picture ideas with a special bonus at the end giving you tips to make your family picture day even more fun.
Indoor family photos
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- The classic
Let’s start off this list with the classic family photo. This one is very simple. Get all the family members to line up together wearing similar or matching outfits, line everybody up by using the classic “smallest in the front and tallest in the back” arrangement, smile, and snap the picture.

- Photo theme
Family theme photos can be a whole lot of fun, especially in Halloween. The best way to pick a theme is to have every family member write down a couple of theme ideas such as cowboys, fancy, futuristic, etc… Then pick one at random for each photo and have everybody dress up using the theme as a guide.
This particular idea is great for families with lots of children, kids love to play dress-up. They also get a kick out of seeing mum and dad in dress up too! You’ll have the photos forever, and you’ll also have bundles of fun memories from each whacky experience too!

- The staircase snapshot
Having all the family members standing or sitting at various points on a staircase and snap a picture from the bottom of the stairs. This one is a great idea as by using the stairs to arrange people by height, everybody will be visible in the photo.
For this method, you will want to pick out an outfit style so everybody matches up, or you could go in the other direction and have everyone pick out their favorite outfit. If you choose to let everyone pick their own favorite outfit for the picture then in the future you’ll be able to look back and reminisce over the outfits from years past.
- Recreation photo
The recreation photo became a trend back in 2020 on various social media platforms. Basically, you take a photo from the past, maybe a photo when your child was a baby and sitting on your lap, then recreate it! Pick out similar clothing to the picture, try to match the location, and match the poses. This is bound to create a few laughs as you all try to recreate the past!
- The funny one
Everybody has at least one joker in the family! You know, the person who is always trying to pull funny faces or do the ‘bunny ears’ gesture behind someone’s head! Well, join in on the fun. It’s a fantastic family picture idea as it brings out everyone’s funny side.
You can do this in a couple of different ways. You can pull funny faces, wear whacky outfits, and maybe even take the photo from behind, so it’s just a photo of everyone’s back! Whatever you choose for a funny picture, it’s going to be a good time!
- The mismatch
The mismatch is a great family picture idea for those families who enjoy being a little rebellious! Go out of your way to dress up bizarrely! I’m talking double denim, ra-ra skirts, and shoulder pads! Get everyone to dress up with strange clothing combinations. Rummage through your wardrobes, I’m sure every parent out there has some clothes from their youth lying around somewhere. Go wild and look weird whilst you are doing it! The kids will love it.
- 3D Chalk Scene
In this article we have introduce 3D Chalk drawing. It is also perfect for family photos! Below is a picture for Santa in the Netherlands.

Outdoor Family Photos
By taking a family photo outdoors you are opening yourself up to countless options. Various locations, times of the day, weather conditions, and more. The possibilities are endless! With that in mind, here are some outdoor family picture ideas. If you wanted to take a family photo but the weather is terrible, then check this out for activities to do in the rain with your kids.
Related Articles in this blog:
- 10 Fun Outdoor Activities in the Rain for Kids
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- The modern family
For those who are unaware, Modern Family is an American-based comedy series that follows the lives of one big family. Throughout the series, the family attempts to take memorable family photos, the best one being the muddy one!
To achieve this for yourself get everyone dressed in a white t-shirt and white pants, and make sure they are cheap as they are going to be ruined by the end of the photo! Then, a few minutes before it’s photo time, have a mud fight! I know it sounds silly, but it’s lots of fun and the photo that comes out of it looks awesome! Once you all have mud all over your nice white clothing it’s time to pose as a family and take a photo. Say cheese!
- Seasonal
Seasonal photos fall into four groups, obviously! So, select your preferred season, gear up, and get that perfect family photo. If you want to put a unique spin on this family picture idea then why not dress for the wrong season?
For example, if it’s summertime, get everyone to put on their winter clothes and take a family photo. Just be mindful not to overheat, the opposite applies if you wear shorts and a t-shirt for a winter photo, don’t freeze! Take the pictures efficiently and preferably close to home so you can get out of the clothes fairly quickly after.
But imagine the look on your friend’s faces when they try to piece together why you have a picture of the family all wearing sunglasses in the snow!

- Bring in the pets
Why is it that most people leave their pets out of family photos? Aren’t they family too? So, pick up your pooch, cat, rat, or whatever animal you have and bring them into your family photo. Especially if you have an animal that you can dress up to match everyone else’s outfit! Just imagine a family photo with everyone all dressed in white outfits, including the dog!
- The big run
The big run is a family photo that requires a professional photographer. This is because as the name suggests, you are all going to be running toward the camera. So you will need a professional camera to snap the picture otherwise you will end up with a blurry family photo!
The idea of this photo is very simple, have the photographer standing at one end of a yard, field, or wherever else you have decided to take the photo. Then with the family spread out in a line, with the kids at the front, everybody countdown and runs towards the camera in unison. The results from these photos are amazing!
- Nature’s background
Why pay money to take a photo in a studio when you have the best backgrounds money can buy pretty much everywhere you go! Waterfalls, lakes, forests. There are a plethora of stunning locations within reach for most people, so make the most of them and take your family photo with nature as the background.
Have a family photo standing on a bridge on a lake or sitting at the base of a waterfall, or maybe just standing with a bunch of trees in bloom in the background. The possibilities are endless for this one. And as an extra bonus, you can make a day of it. Bring some lunch, go for a hike, and spend that extra quality time as a family.

- Suited and booted
This one is more for special events, but if you have an occasion like a wedding or any other event that requires everyone to be in a suit then take advantage of the opportunity. Get a family photo done before going to the event, or even do it at the event (depending on what the event is, of course!)
But it’s very rare for everyone to suit up at the same time, so don’t let the opportunity pass you by! Whilst it’s fun to have all of the silly photos like some of the other family picture ideas on this list. It’s also nice to have a handful of fancy photos too.
- Outside couch
Just like in Friends! During the intro for the iconic TV show, they are all on a couch outside and it looks awesome! Now I’m not suggesting that you drag your couch outside, I mean, you can if you want to. But instead of ruining your couch, why not go to a photo studio that has a couch there that you can use?
Due to the popularity of the Friends TV show, it’s become quite a popular family picture idea to gather the family on a couch outside and take some photos. This works well for both casual attire and formal attire.
- A photo within a photo
Staying with the TV show theme we have the photo within a photo. This is another one that came from the TV show Modern Family. It’s simple and effective, all you need to do is have whoever is standing in the front to hold onto a picture of a previous family photo.
After a few years of this, it becomes a bit like the film Inception! Only it’s not a dream within a dream, it’s a photo within a photo!
- Black and white
Rounding off this list we have an old reliable one. It’s strange how everything used to be done in black and white, then colored pictures came along and we still like to use black and white photos!
This classic look is great as it doesn’t really matter what colors your kids want to wear as it’s all going to come out black and white in the end. Also, black and white family photos look incredible, especially when done by a professional.

Extra Tips for the Family Photo
Here are a few quickfire bonus tips to make your family photo extra special.
- Make a day of it, don’t just take the photo and then go home, spend a family day together
- Let everyone have a say. I’m sure that all of your family members will have their own ideas for family photos, so don’t be afraid to mix things
- Accept the imperfection, it is part of the your family life as well
- If you would like to be more creative, below is a video showed the behind scene of family photo

Final Thoughts from Pragmatic Lifestyle
There are many more different family picture ideas, but the 15 ideas above are some of my favorites.
Family pictures are important, a photo is a stamp in time. It’s something that you can look back on for many years, you can even pass photos down through generations keeping your family spirit alive.
But whatever idea you choose, make sure you have fun!
If you found this article interesting, then you may enjoy this one about family camping trips.
About me
Hi, there. I am Lin. Together with my husband and two kids, we live in the beautiful Netherlands in Europe. I am dedicated to self-development, creating quality time for the whole family, and fully supporting kids with their potentials and possibilities with all I have learned from engineering, MBA, and 10+ years of working experience in the energy sector.

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