Papa and Mama Parenting

25 Fun Family Games To Play Together with Kids

Family time is important. Whether it’s going for a walk, watching a movie, a harmless prank or just talking. But what about games? It goes without saying that kids love playing games! So in this article, let’s go through 25 different family games to play, for outside, inside and also on the way.

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The Importance of Family Time

It doesn’t take a genius to work out that family time is important! But more benefits come with family time than you may think. So before we get into the actual games, let’s take a look at some of the benefits that family game time has to offer.

Strengthens relationships

As an adult it’s very easy to get all tied up in your work, leaving very little time for the kids. Time goes by quicker than you think! Before you know it your kids are all grown up. So you must make that time for your kids. I know that you have to work and pay the bills, but it’s very important to manage your time so you have plenty of time for the kids as well as your job.

By spending time playing games with your kids you are helping to strengthen your relationship with your children. Kids thrive in positive environments. So playing games and just overall having a good time with your kids will help them to have a better relationship with you.

Source: Freepik

Helps children develop various skills

Kids are fast learners, especially in hands-on activities, so it’s important to create an environment that helps a child develop new and important skills and abilities. Such as teaching a kid about being gracious in winning and in losing when playing games.

There are many other important skills that your kids will learn by playing games as a family. Here’s a little list of some of the big ones:

  • Teaches motor skills
  • Helps to learn how to navigate mental challenges
  • Better working memory
  • Boosts creativity
  • Builds leadership skills

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A little pick-me-up for the parents

As parents, it’s very easy to age before our time. What I mean by that is that we tend to forget how to have fun. Work-life is stressful, paying bills, mortgages, you name it, there’s not much aside from the occasional cheeky glass of wine that we look forward to!

But if we try to put the boring adult stuff aside for a while, it’s amazing just how fun life can be. The kids love family time, you’ll enjoy yourself, what’s not to like? Kids will only have fond memories of you if you are there! This brings me to my next point.

Making memories

Playing games as a family creates funny moments, inside jokes, and just overall joy. All of these things add up to make for fantastic memories for the kids. Think back to your childhood. What do you remember? Who was there? What did you do? I’m sure that most people will have their stand-out funny moments from childhood.

Your kids will grow up with childhood memories too, so make them good ones. Be silly, release that inner child, the kids will love you for it. So, just put some time aside for silliness!

Indoor Family Games

There is lots of fun to be had around the house. The gaming choices are almost endless. From board games to games that only require an active imagination. Here are 10 family games to play together.

1). Musical statues

Starting this list we have a classic, musical statues. The rules are simple, one person is in charge of the music and everyone else dances. You take turns every round on who is in charge of the music. The music player gets to play and pause the music as they seem fit. When the music is paused everyone has to freeze in position, if you move whilst the music isn’t playing then you’re out! The last one standing wins. This one is great for exercise too, so it’s a two for one!

Four kids dancing
Source: Freepik

2). Board games

It’s difficult to beat a good old-fashioned board game! Uno, Monopoly, Boggle, and countless more. I’m not going to break down how each board game works as we will be here for ages if I did! But board games are a great way of having a family fun afternoon.

3). Simon says

Remember back in our school days when we would play Simon says? It’s such a simple game, yet it offers up loads of laughter! Get everyone to line up, take it in turns as to who gets to be Simon, then whoever ’Simon’ is get to command everyone else using the phrase Simon says, if they don’t say what Simon says before issuing a command and you act on the command given then you are out!

Simon says
Source: Freepik

4). Charades

Charades is a great family game to play as it brings out the creative side in everyone. Whether everyone is choosing their own things to mime or you are drawing names out of a hat. It’s a fun game for the whole family. If you aren’t familiar then let me fill you in. One person has to mime a movie, TV show, song, etc. Whilst the family has to guess what the answer is based on the movements alone.

5). The drawing game

The drawing game is an easy one. All you need is some paper and a handful of pencils. You take a piece of paper and fold it four times. Then you draw ¼ of a picture, a person, animal, etc… Don’t let anyone see what you are drawing, once you are done, turn the paper over and pass it along for the next person to draw ¼ of a picture. Repeat until all four sides have been drawn on, then unfold the picture to see what you came up with.

6). Family indoor Olympics

Family indoor Olympics can be anything you like. Come up with creative events that the family will compete in, whether it’s seeing who can throw a small ball into a box from the furthest distance or who can count to 50 the fastest. It doesn’t matter what the events are, just grab a few different ideas and compete against one another.

7). Balloon play

Balloons are always fun. There are many different games you can play with balloons. The one I’m going to talk about is kick-ups. As a family you have to keep the balloon in the air for as long as possible, if it touches the ground, you lose! You can use your head, arms, legs, or whatever else you can think of to keep the balloon from hitting the ground.

8). Painting contests

It’s time to get artsy with a painting contest. Write a bunch of random items on pieces of paper and put them in a hat. Get everyone to grab some paper and some paintbrushes. Take it in turns pulling a piece of paper out of the hat. Everyone has 60 seconds to paint whatever item is on the paper. The best painting gets a point.

9). The floor is lava

The floor is lava is a game that requires a decent amount of imagination. Upon the count of three, the floor becomes ‘lava’ (you aren’t allowed to walk on it or you are out). So you have to jump around using pillows, chairs, and anything else that you can get your hands on to make your way around your home.

10). Guess the item blindfolded

Lastly, for this section, we have the game guess the item blindfolded, which is exactly what you think it is. You take it in turns wearing a blindfold, then the blindfolded individual is handed an item to identify. This can be really fun, especially if the item in question is something like jelly or an egg. Just be sure to pop a towel down, just in case!

Outdoor Family Games

Kids love the outdoors. It’s also good for parents too! Fresh air is important. But what can you do outside to keep the kids entertained? Well, don’t worry dear reader as I have 10 family games to play outside that will keep everyone entertained all day long!

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1). Scavenger hunt

Now a scavenger hunt needs someone to set things up, so someone will be sitting this one out. But an adult sets out various items around an allotted area, maybe chocolates or some other kind of tasty treat. Then the kids have to try to find them. Maybe add to the fun by providing clues along the way.

Three kids on a scavenger hunt
Source: Freepik

2). Hot potato

Similar to musical statues hot potato is a music-based game. The family stands in a circle, one person is in charge of the music, and this person doesn’t play. Then when the music plays you throw a ball around the circle, you can pass it to whoever you like whenever you like. The only catch is that when the music stops, whoever is holding the ball ‘the hot potato’ is out.

3). Hide and seek

I’m not going to explain the rules to hide and seek! But the excitement that kids feel when they are trying to hide is brilliant! Just be sure to go easy on the kids! Most kids, especially younger ones aren’t that great at hiding, so maybe cut them some slack!

4). Tag

Another one that I’m not going to explain due to its simplicity! But this one is guaranteed to get the blood pumping! It’s great fun and good exercise, so enjoy!

5). Outdoor family Olympics

Just like the indoor version in the section above. Only this time you are outdoors! Make assault courses, have egg and spoon races, and anything else you can think of as an event, the kids will love it.

6). Water fight

Sorry parents, but you are about to get wet! Water fights are heaps of fun. Get everybody to lock and load and unleash a watery fury on your kids! Actually, you may find this one a little therapeutic!

7). Frizbee golf

Frizbee golf took off a few years ago. It’s an easy game to play but a difficult game to master. All you do is throw a frisbee into a goal. You can make the goal at home by using a bucket or waste paper bin, or something to that effect. Then throw your frisbee and soo who can score the most.

Young woman throwing a red frisbee
Source: Freepik

8). Cornhole

Another family fun game to play is cornhole. You don’t even need to purchase a set, you can make your own. Small bean bags and a goal to throw them into. Take it in turns and see who is the family cornhole champion!

9). Capture the flag

Capture the flag is a great family game to play as it really gets that adrenaline flowing! The rules can be a little long, so instead of me boring you with all the different rules, here’s a link that explains the rules in a simple way.

10). Pass the water

Finishing off this section, we have another game where everyone is going to get wet! The game ‘ pass the water ’ is loads of fun. Everybody takes a cup and stands in a line facing forward behind one another. The person at the front of the line fills their cup with water, then that person has to pour the cup into the person’s cup behind them. Then the only catch is, that you have to pour with your hands above your head so you can’t see!

5 Family games to play whilst waiting or traveling

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Travelling can be stressful, especially with kids! Boredom, temper tantrums, grumpy faces, and that’s just the parents! All jokes aside, let’s have a look at 5 family games to play whilst traveling or waiting. These games are guaranteed to turn a boring journey into a fun adventure.

1). Eye spy

There’s no real need for me to explain this one! Eye spy is a great game to play if you are all sitting in a car traveling, or you are all on a train and staring out the window. It’s a good way to pass some time, and the kids will really get into it.

2). 20 Questions

20 questions is a game that I’m sure most of you readers would have played before. One person comes up with something, it can be anything, however, it must exist! Then the rest of the family gets to ask 20 yes or no questions to try and get clues as to what the answer might be. After 20 questions have been asked, it’s time to take a guess.

Family in the car Source: Freepik

3). Name that song

This one’s great for car journeys. Most car radios can connect to your phone, so whoever the passenger becomes the DJ. The DJ has to play a song and then the first one to guess it correctly gets a point, whoever has the most points at the end wins.

4). I went shopping and bought a…

This one is a memory game. You take it in turns going round the family in the same order each time, and you say ‘I went shopping and bought a’ then you insert the name of something you bought. Then the next person has to continue by listing off the item you named and adding their own item to the list, and it goes round and round until someone gets it wrong.

Supermarket trollies
Source: Freepik

5). Don’t show Keith your teeth

I don’t know what Keith did wrong but that’s the name of this game! It’s incredibly simple, but it’s also very difficult too! You each have to take it in turns saying various phrases whilst not showing your teeth. This will create loads of laughs as everyone sounds ridiculous.

Source: Freepik

Final Thoughts from Pragmatic Lifestyle

Now you are armed to the teeth with games for every situation! So whether you are traveling, lounging around the house, or playing out in the yard. You have several fun ideas to keep everyone entertained. If you enjoyed this article then why not check out this one on 10 fun activities to do in the rain with your kids?

About Me

Hi, there, I am Lin. Together with husband and two kids, we live in the beautiful Netherlands in Europe. I am dedicated for self development, create quality time for the whole family, and fully support kids with their potentials and possibilities.


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