Household money

Papa and Mama Parenting

10 Steps to Avoid Overshopping – Shopping in a Pragmatic Way

November is my crazy shopping month every year, it is hard to stop when the “double 11” and “black Friday”.

Earning money Household Money

9 Ways to Building Passive Income for Stay at Home Parents

In the past two weeks, we have discussed the cost of raising a child and active income for parents, today.

Papa and Mama Parenting

Raise a Child in the U.S. and Netherlands in 2022 – the Average Cost Comparison ($300k vs $100k)

Raising a child is a beautiful experience with joy and satisfaction, but it also can be very costly. Before you.

Household Money

15 Ways of Earn Money as Stay-at-Home Parent

Being a full-time parent is tough. You are juggling the kids and chores, and it gets worse when all those.

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