King’s Day is a national holiday in the Netherlands on 27 April. The Dutch King’s day is known for its nationwide vrijmarkt (“free market”), at which the everyone can sell his or her used items without tax. It is also for the kids to practice their first financial activity: buying, selling and bargaining!
My two kids did most of the activities independently, they are:
- Evaluating and Collecting toys and books they do not need anymore
- Organize the collections into category’s
- Discuss with each other and price them
- Prepare music to perform on the street
- Get ready the small changes in Piggy bank and Tikkie QR code
I am very curios to see how things turn tomorrow and willing to share more with you.
Soon we will publish a series of articles for “how to talk money with your kids”, stay in touch!
Related Articles in this blog:
- 10 Tips for Household Money Management
- Explain Money to Children, 11 Reasons Why it is Useful
- How Young is Too Young to Understand Money?
- Money Lessons for Kids? Values, Saving, Spending and Giving
- 10 Mistakes Parents Make in Teaching Kids about Money
- How Much Should Be a Kids Pocket Money per Week
- How to Teach Kids About Money at Every Age?
- 7 Ways of Teaching Money Concept to Children
- 10 Best Ways to Teach Kids About Money
- 8 Ways Daily Money Management Activities to Teach Financial Literacy to Kids
- Teach Teens About Money (including credit card and mobile app)
- Best Way to Save Money for Kids: 8 Tips Every Parent Should Know

About Me
Hi, there. I am Lin. Together with my husband and two kids, we live in the beautiful Netherlands in Europe. I am dedicated to self-development, creating quality time for the whole family, and fully supporting kids with their potentials with all I have learned from engineering, MBA, and 10+ years of working experience in the energy sector.