Parents love it when their children play together and spend some time with each other. It does not just increase the time that they can use to bond with each other but also gives the parents a little alone time to relax. These sibling games require little to no prep and will give you a lot of time to complete your house chores or any other work. If you’re looking for your kids to spend some time not glued to the television or their iPads, then some of these games might be great to keep them away from screen time!
This list is designed for kids between 3 to 5 year old so if your kids are in between this age group then this list is going to be immensely helpful for you!
So, if you are a tired mom whose looking for ideas to keep their children occupied for some time then you have come to the right place. Keep reading to know more about the activities and how to engage your children in them!
Table of Contents
1. Scavenger Hunt
You can never go wrong with scavenger hunt! Even if you do not have space outside your house or apartment this game can be played inside as well. Hide 4 or 5 toys or you can also print out different cards, hide them around the house, and ask the children to find them for you. You can also make your elder child in charge who will hide things and ask the younger one to find them.

2. Set Up Pretend Play
Pretend play is great for kid’s brain development it gives them a sense of imaginations and they will use their own imaginations to make games and play them. You don’t need anything fancy if you want to play this game and use the toys lying around your house to use them for pretend play. You can set up a restaurant for the kids or ask them to act like a doctor and the other child can be the patient.

3. Paint
Painting can be messy, but kids LOVE it! This comes from my own experience and when I can’t find any other thing to do with my kids then paint comes to the rescue! Just take out some poster paints or water paints and let your kids do whatever they feel like but with adult supervision. If whether call for it just take the kids outside since this will also reduce the mess inside your house and will also make clean up easy!

4. Wash The Toys
Do you have some old toys lying and around and your kids are bored? Then get some towels and a bucket with water put all the toys in the bucket and ask your kids to wash the toys! Dip them in soap water and clean it with a towel. This activity is extremely simple and does not require any prep time! This will keep your kids busy for a long time!

5. Ring Toss
If you are a DIY fan and want some ideas about how to make super cheap activities at home for sibling games, then ring toss is a great idea! All you must do is cut paper plates from the middle and ask your kids to toss it on any other object available at home! This activity is great for young kids especially kids ranging from 3–5-year-olds!

6. Trace Letters
This game is a great learning activity for kids and it’s a sibling games. Give each kid a paper and write some letters on it. Then you can either use a cotton bud and some paints to trace the letters or just simply use a white board and a wash erase marker to help them draw the letters and then erase them with one finger. This game will improve your kids motor skills and will also keep them busy for some time!

7. Match shapes
Draw some shapes on a piece on paper and now ask your kids to look for things like the shapes you have drawn around the house. This game will help your children to think critically and look for different shapes around the house. This will also ensure that your kids can start differentiating between 2D and 3D shapes.

8. Puzzles
Puzzles are a great way to keep your 3- and 5-year-old busy. Just take all the puzzles you have and ask your kids to assemble the puzzles. It will take a little long for your kids to figure out the puzzles but once they do, they will do it own their own without disturbing you!

9. Play Dough
When everything else seems to not work then play dough to the rescue! When you can’t think of any other sibling games just take some play dough out give the kids some cookie cutters and let them explore the world of play dough! This keeps them busy for hours while you can finish a lot of work in that time!

10. Sensory Bins
Sensory bins are a great way to increase the child’s motor skills and for their brain development. You can make sensory bins with the things that are available at home. Rice is a great option to use in a sensory bin. Just use any old plastic box you have in your home and add some rice in it. You use a scoop and cup lo let the children scoop the rice. You can also hide some different shapes or animals in the rice and ask your kids to find them for you.

Usually when kids are tired, hungry, or sleepy, they do not have a good relationship with each other which is fine since this is where you can use this list to help the kids get involved with other activities while you can finish some house chores or any other work! One thing before your kids playing with each other is to make sure that they are well fed and not sleepy. It will reduce the chances of them fighting instead of playing!
About Me
Hi, there. I am Lin. Together with my husband and two kids, we live in the beautiful Netherlands in Europe. I am dedicated to self-development, creating quality time for the whole family, and fully supporting kids with their potentials and possibilities with all I have learned from engineering, MBA, and 10+ years of working experience in the energy sector.