April Fools’ Day is coming, people! It’s a tradition to fool your loved ones with some harmless and funny April fools’ prank and practical jokes on this special day to make it a memorable one. Laughing together and having fun always create some incredible memories.
But wait a minute! Before diving right into working your plans into action, make sure that they are harmless and do not negatively affect your partner’s physical and mental state. Pull some pranks as long as they are not gone too far.
Here are some practical jokes to play on your girlfriend/wife to make this April Fools’ Day an unforgettable one:
Table of Contents
1.What is my name?
Cost = 0$
When your girlfriend or wife is heading to work in the morning, hug her and tap her on the back. What she would think as an encouragement will be a post-it note saying, ‘WHAT IS MY NAME?’ Imagine her thinking, ‘what is wrong?’ when everyone at her workplace reads the note and stops her to tell her name.
2.Drawer Chaos
Cost = 0$
Switch all your partner’s drawers to different positions when she is away. Imagine her reaction when she opens a drawer to take her diary out and instead finds her toiletries there, or she is trying to take out her watch in the morning but finds all sorts of socks in there. She will be irritated for a few minutes, but it will also give her a good laugh realizing it is April Fools’ Day.
3.The famous poop prank
Cost < 5$
This prank never gets old. If your girlfriend or wife has a dog or cat as a pet, this is the perfect joke you can make on April Fools’ Day. You can use Nutella in your fridge or make the fake poop from flour or play dough and color it.
Please place it in random places like in the living room corner, under the dining table, or on your bathroom seat and make her believe that it’s her cat or dog. How much fun would it be when she realized that it was all fake?
4.Remote control prank
Cost = 0$
This is a relatively simple and easy prank to do, as suggested by romper. You have to put a small section of clear tape on the remote control sensor, and it’s done! It will be funny when she sits down to watch her favorite show but can’t change the channel or even turn down the volume. With the game console remotes, this prank can also be done for your kids.
5.The creamy cupcakes
Cost < 5$
Have you ever eaten cupcakes that can clean your mouth with just a bite? I am sure not. Let me tell you how to make them for your girlfriend or wife on this day and make an unforgettable moment!
Buy some plain cupcakes from a bakery. If not simple, remove the topping. Prepare the topping yourself by mixing some cream and white toothpaste. No, you are not reading it wrong, and it is toothpaste. Apply the topping. You can serve it like that or put some blueberries to make them even perfect. Please give it to your partner as a surprise but make sure that she takes a bite quickly. After eating it, she will seriously feel her mouth and teeth cleaner!

6.The soap prank
Cost = 0$
This joke is always a pass with girlfriends and wives. It doesn’t even need a lengthy process or cost much. Just take some transparent nail polish from your partner’s vanity and apply it to the soap she uses daily and wait for the moment she goes to wash her hands or shower. She will surely think about what is wrong with the soap? You will get some perfect laughs to remember.
7. The pizza disaster
Cost = 6-12$
Who doesn’t love eating a pizza? It makes it more memorable when it’s from your favorite pizza house.
Order your partner’s favorite pizza to surprise her. Ensure to receive the order yourself or order it when she is not home. Hide the pizza somewhere else and fill the empty box with veggies. Imagine her reaction when she opens the box with excitement, to find a box full of veggies and an April Fools’ note. After some good laughs, give her the pizza to make her even happier.
8. The sock block
Cost = 0$
This is a relatively innocent and straightforward April fools’ prank you can pull out on your girlfriend or wife. Take the socks that they prepared to wear in the morning for work and sneakily sew them halfway.
When she is getting ready for work, offer your help and bring the socks yourself. She will be happy to see your support without suspecting you, only to be confused wearing the sewed-up socks. Before the confusion turns into frustration, laugh out loud so that she can join in the fun too!
9. Wave at me!
Cost = 0$
This prank is simple and easy, and although it is widely used in many forms, the prank victim still doesn’t get it. Take a piece of paper and a black marker. Write ‘PLEASE WAVE AT ME! I AM AN APRIL’S FOOL!’ in big letters and secretly paste it to the back of her car. Imagine her confusion when people in every other vehicle are passing her car wave at her. She will not be able to keep her laughter in after finding the note later.
10. The alarm frenzy
Cost = 0$
This April fools’ prank is my personal favorite, as I’ve used it on my family members. You can use it for your girlfriend or wife as well.
You just have to set up various alarms at different intervals. The notices should be at random times, for bizarre things like ‘OPEN THE FRIDGE’ or ‘WAKE UP AFTER 42 MINUTES’ or ‘CHANGE YOUR CLOTHES.’ She will wonder what is happening all of a sudden!
11. The spider on the light
Cost = 0$
This is one of the best pranks to be used. You have to cut out a black paper in the shape of a spider and paste it on the light in the bathroom or the bedside table. It will scare your girlfriend or wife a little bit, but laughter will come along when she knows the reality after the fright.
Before pulling out this prank, make sure that she hasn’t any phobia regarding insects, or it will be too much of a scare for her.
12. The mayo donut
Cost = <8$
Who doesn’t love some donuts and coffee in the morning? I am sure your better half will love it too.
Buy some plain donuts and fill them with mayo instead of sweet cream. You can also sprinkle some icing sugar on top to foolproof the prank. Imagine her reaction when she bites into the donut and gets a salty mayo taste instead of sweet creaminess!
April fools’ prank is to have fun with some practical jokes with your friends and family. As long as the jokes are not gone too far, it is good to have some laughter in life. These simple and easy pranks are enough to make this day funny and memorable for you and your better half. So, use them all you want and enjoy this special day!
About Me
Hi, there. I am Lin. Together with my husband and two kids, we live in the beautiful Netherlands in Europe. I am dedicated to self-development, creating quality time for the whole family, and fully supporting kids with their potentials and possibilities with all I have learned from engineering, MBA, and 10+ years of working experience in the energy sector.