Papa and Mama Parenting

12 Budgeted Mother’s Day Gift Ideas Under $10

Mother’s Day will be here soon, which means the search for the perfect gift is on. But how do you say a proper thank you to the person who lovingly stood by your side and supported you from birth when you have limited budget? The good news is that most mothers don’t care how much money you spend on them, and they want to be acknowledged and feel appreciated. While this might sound corny, a gift from the heart will always be more cherished than an expensive gift that has little meaning or sentimental value. Hopefully, you already know what types of things Mom enjoys. The more challenging part is turning those interests into a unique gift that fits your budget. Still in need of some help? Here are 12 great ideas for mother’s day gift under $10.

Related Mother’s Day Gift Articles:

The most popular Mother’s Day purchases in 2022 are expected to be greeting cards, flowers, and special outings. According to National Retail Federation research, the top purchases for moms in 2022 will be greeting cards, followed by flowers and special outings (which includes things like dining out).

Mother’s day gift ideas under $10 

1. Photo gifts

You can’t go wrong with a thoughtful photo gift. A favorite photo from a vacation or particular time always makes a beautiful present. Local drug stores or online photo sites offer many affordable photo products, including mugs, magnets, and totes that can be enjoyed all year round. Enlarging the photo and placing it in a nice frame is also great.

2. Tasty Treats

I look forward to Mother’s Day when my husband and kids take me out to indulge in a delicious Nutella banana crepe all year long. While I could undoubtedly venture down to our local cafe and purchase this dessert myself at any time, there is something extra special about my family treating me on Mother’s Day. Whether you take Mom out or deliver a treat in person, a favorite pastry, frozen treat, or fancy drink will be a hit.

3. Books

If Mom is a lover of the written word, why not purchase a novel from her favorite author or a non-fiction book about a hobby such as cooking, photography, hiking or a journal? You could also give a gift that keeps giving and buy Mom a favorite magazine subscription. 

4. Plants 

While most everyone enjoys receiving a bouquet of beautiful flowers, I prefer to be gifted a favorite plant that I will hopefully keep alive and enjoy for months or even years to come. It is something that I can look at each day and think of the person who gave it to me. Since Mother’s Day is in the spring, there are many varieties of both indoor and outdoor plants to choose from. Vegetables and herb plants are also fun options if Mom is into gardening.

5. Splurge

If your Mom is like many of the mothers I know, she often splurges on others but rarely treats herself. I can’t think of a more perfect occasion than Mother’s Day to give Mom a gift that she wouldn’t otherwise buy herself. Is there a particular home decoration that she has been eyeing? Or does she like a specific beauty product but won’t believe it because of the cost? Think of something that she may have been watching while window shopping and take it from there for the mother’s day gift ideas under $10.

6. A Date With Mom

Moms are always making arrangements, scheduling (and rescheduling) appointments, and shuttling their children from place to place. Give Mom the day off and take charge of the planning yourself. Bring her out for a particular date for just the two of you. You don’t have to do anything fancy or expensive, and spending special time together will be memorable enough for Mom. Some budget-friendly options for dates include a trip to the cinema, local cafe, art gallery, or museum. Remember that it is Mom’s special day; make sure to base your date upon her interests and not your own.

7. Wine

A bottle of vino is a beautiful gift to give or receive on any occasion, and Mother’s Day is no exception. You can’t go wrong with a delicious red, white, or sparkling option. If you are lucky, Mom might crack it open on the spot and share some with you. For mothers who are not consumers of alcohol, a fancy tin of coffee or tea also makes a beautiful present.

8. Homemade gifts

Since preschool, you have probably been giving Mom homemade Mother’s Day gifts, so why stop now? What she loved years ago will probably make her smile again today. Base the gift upon Mom’s interests, and you can’t go wrong. An excellent homemade gift might include a knitted scarf, a delicious chocolate cake made from scratch, or a decorated pot for plants. If you have a homemade card, color within the lines.

9. Dinner and a Movie

This might sound like an expensive gift, but not if you do dinner and a movie at home with Mom. Whip up her favorite dish or wow her with a delicious new creation if you can cook. You can also take the easy route and order take-out from a local restaurant. To make this a fancy dining experience, get dressed up and set the table using the “good” dishes. After dinner, stream a new release or favorite flick. If you want to win points with Mom, wash the dishes at the night’s end.

10. Chores

If you are completely broke and have nothing to spare, helping Mom out by doing a chore or two is a great way to say thank you for all of the tasks that she has thanklessly done for you over the years. If there is a chore that she particularly dislikes doing, this becomes an even more thoughtful gift. Rake the leaves, wash her car, or do some laundry. If it is not an option to complete this chore on Mother’s Day weekend, write Mom an IOU to do this on a day shortly.

11. Picnic

No matter where you live, there is always a pretty place for a nearby picnic. If Mom is a hiker, this spot may be along a beautiful forest trail or at the peak of a magnificent mountain. Those who want a nice view without a lot of work, beaches, parks, or even your backyard make fantastic spots for picnics with Mom. Pack a blanket and a yummy lunch (either homemade or from a sandwich or specialty shop), and enjoy a quiet, relaxing day with Mom in the great outdoors.

And if you forget…  

If you have gotten to this point in this article, there are no excuses for forgetting about Mother’s Day. However, life happens, and sometimes we need a last-minute present. My favorite go-to gift at the eleventh hour is always a gift card. You can make this present personal by grabbing one at Mom’s favorite bookstore, coffee shop, or ice cream parlor. Long-distance gift-givers can purchase gift cards online and instantly mail them to the recipient. Just make sure the card is for a store or restaurant that Mom enjoys.

As you can see, a Mother’s Day gift ideas can under $10 and doesn’t need to break the bank. As long as you acknowledge Mom in a personal and sincere way, it will be a great day for all. Have a wonderful Mother’s Day! 

About Me

Hi, there. I am Lin. Together with my husband and two kids, we live in the beautiful Netherlands in Europe. I am dedicated to self-development, creating quality time for the whole family, and fully supporting kids with their potentials with all I have learned from engineering, MBA, and 10+ years of working experience in the energy sector.


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