Being a stay-at-home dad is becoming increasingly popular worldwide, and it’s about time too! I used to hate hearing, “It’s a woman’s job to raise the kids and a man’s job to put food on the table.” it’s a little derogatory to both men and women. Suggesting that men can’t raise kids and women can’t work. I’m glad we seem to be moving in the right direction as a society.
So, with my rant out of the way, let’s get into ten benefits of being a stay-at-home dad, written by a stay-at-home dad!

Table of Contents
What is Stay at Home Dad and Statics
According to the national at-home dad network, a stay at home dad is a father who is the daily and primary caregiver of his children under age 18, regardless of his employment status and marriage status. Around 11 million parents in the US were stay at home, this presents around 1 in 5 parents. Among which at least 1.4 million are the stay at-home dads, and the number is keeping growing.

The reasons being a stay-at home dad are various based on their family situation. Illness, cannot find work and caring for kids and family are the top three reasons till today.
The 10 Benefits of Being a Stay at Home Dad
10: Loving the little things
It’s easy to get stuck in a rut, working a 9-5 job, doing the same thing every day. Well, that all changes once you become a stay-at-home parent. You forget that you were once a child too! So bring back that sense of childhood wonder and try new things, mix juice with cocoa powder, or eat ice cream from the cone! Become a kid again!
It seems silly, but by enjoying the little things, you can create memories that will last a lifetime for you and your little one.

9: Dress to impress
It’s time to dress up! Dress up like a princess, a clown, an astronaut, a cowboy, and an idiot! Just like the previous benefit, it creates memories for you and your child. It also has a hidden advantage to it too if your child is anything like mine, then he/she/they don’t exactly enjoy getting themselves dressed! Dressing up in fun outfits with your kid, it sends a message to your kid that getting dressed can be a fun experience.
Don’t worry about looking silly. The kids will love it, and any other parents who see you playing dress-up will respect your commitment to the role!
8: Outdoor adventures!
When was the last time you went down a slide? Or the last time you put on some welly boots and went puddle jumping? There is so much fun to be had outdoors, and it’s also essential that your kids spend as much time as possible being adventurous.
Try giving them tasks to complete by making a game out of it. Who can rake the most leaves or collect the most apples? Making it into a game makes for a fun afternoon and can even help you get a few jobs done in the garden or go camping together!
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7: Hands-on parenting
One significant advantage of being a stay-at-home father is the ability to take a more hands-on approach to raise your child. You can physically see what skills your kid is developing and help guide them through development, instead of just being told what happened while you were at work!

6: Destroying stereotypes!
Of course, there are still countries or cultures consider stay at home dads fails in their life. However, as I mentioned in the beginning, parenting is no longer “A woman’s job”, parenting is becoming more and more equal, I found it strange as I was the only father at the park surrounded by all the mothers, the only room parent as a father, but now, I own it! I’m proud to be a stay-at-home dad, and you should be too!

5: Positive male role model
I don’t know about you, but a positive male role model was something I lacked throughout my childhood. I saw my dad as the guy who came home from work and disciplined me for my wrongdoings during the day. The phrase “Just wait until your father gets home” became commonplace in my household and it led to me dreading my dad being there instead of looking forward to him coming home. So being able to be there 24/7 means that you aren’t just the disciplinarian, you are the whole package. The funny dad, the happy dad, the adventurous dad. So your child gets to see all of you instead of just dad the meanly!
4: Better relationship with mum
This point may seem contradictory compared to the previous entry but bear with me, and I’ll clear that up by the end of this point.
By mum going out to work, it gives your kid the chance to miss her. I know that may sound weird, but it’s true! Children who have their mum around 24/7 expect her to be there and take her for granted. But having that time apart gives your child time to miss her, and your kid will start appreciating mum more.
This also works the other way round with dad, so make sure you take turns every now and again to prevent your little one from taking you for granted. It should also be said that you should never use phrases like” Wait until your mum gets home, you will be in trouble.” As they create a negative view towards mum. See, I told you I would clear up the contradiction!

3: Improved mental well-being
Life is stressful, bills, meetings, overtime, the list goes on. Being a stay-at-home dad allows you to step out of the adult world for a while. Studies have shown that stay-at-home parents have less stress, lower blood pressure, and many more benefits. You may even get a nap with kids together! You wouldn’t get that in the office, would you?
It is also suitable for kids with a stay-at-home parent who is less stressed and anxious than kids raised by daycare centers or hired help. If you want more information about the improved mental well-being side of things, look at the article ‘Play is the perfect antidote to anxiety in these times. It’s full of helpful information and tips on helping to use playtime to reduce anxiety.
One other major bonus is improved energy levels. I know it doesn’t come under mental well-being directly, but energy levels can majorly affect your mental well-being. Since you are not going out to work five days a week, you will find that you have more energy, and more energy means more time for fun!
2: Watching them grow
Watching your child grow is the most satisfying thing in the world! From their first smile to their first visit from the tooth fairy and everything in between, it is a magical experience. You start to notice little traits in your child that you may not have spotted if you worked all the time, so enjoy watching them grow. Not everybody gets that opportunity.
1: Quality time with dad
The top spot has to go to quality time with dad. Having that one-to-one time with your child creates a special connection between you and them. Spending time with them now helps cement your relationship with them for the future.
Not only is quality time with dad necessary, but quality time with both mum and dad is equally as important. There is a fantastic article about movie time that I’d recommend reading.
So make sure that you have plenty of family time. Family time doesn’t have to mean going off and doing big things; it can be as simple as cooking dinner together or sharing a bedtime story. The little things can go a long way.

Why Stay at Home Dad is Difficult?
Despite the many joys and development, being a stay-at-home dad has own challenges, similar to stay-at-home moms, the non breadwinner’s contribution is minimized, lack of respect, and less contact with the society.
Let’s listen to another dad’s story.
How Can a Stay at Home Dad be Successful?
Finding balance between parenting responsibilities and retaining one’s own identity can be difficult for any parent who stays at home, either mom or dad. Here are a few tips for navigating societal pressures and personal expectations:
Taking care of yourself and talk with other fathers
Eating well, exercising, have enough sleep. Making the effort will make you feel all the better while chasing around your kiddos. Connect with other dads locally or online to get support.
Do not under estimate your effort
According to, my annual mom Salary Survey from May 2021, stay at home parents’ workload equals to 2.5 full time jobs of 14 hours per day, stating from 6.30 am to 8.30 pm with 1.7 hrs free time. They should be paid for $184,820 according to salary.
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Final Thoughts from Pragmatic Lifestyle
Being a stay at home dad is definitely one of the most rewarding jobs that a man can have, but it’s also one of the toughest. With all the aspects above, stay at home dad need more support and a more friendly social environment.
About me
Hi, there, I am Lin. Together with husband and two kids, we live in the beautiful Netherlands in Europe. I am dedicated for self development, create quality time for the whole family, and fully support kids with their potentials and possibilities.

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