
6 Signs For a Musically Gifted Kids

Recognizing your child’s talent early can help them maximize and reach their full potential. As a parent, you must be able to spot signs of musically gifted kids to encourage and support their passion like attending music lessons and other cost. However, keep in mind that music is not just for children with exceptional musical talent. Everyone can benefit from the numerous benefits that music education can provide!

Check if your child is exhibiting some or all of these 6 signs of musical talent or giftedness:

1. Listening Well with Sensitive Ears

Most parents with musically talented children recall their children noticing when songs were out of tune or people’s pronunciation are not correct. It is the most common first indication for parents to that their child’s aptitude for music and rhythm. Some melodies and keys may appear fine to you, but they sound very different to a musically gifted kids.

Many musically gifted children have perfect pitch, which means they can identify a note as soon as they hear it. How to test it? Say two words to them in a little different pronunciation and ask them which one is correct. Or find a piano and show them all the note, play one while close their eyes, and ask them to find the note. Often, they nail it!

2. Remember a Song Fast

We may unknowingly hum a tune that we hear over and over again. The same goes with singing a song’s chorus that is usually repeated twice or more in a song. But, if your children do this – with their young minds and after only a few exposures to the song, they may be musically gifted. More so if they are just barely talking. Musically gifted kids can quickly memorize a tune because they recognize and string rhythm and has an innate understanding of how music works and how notes blend and create patterns.

3. Enjoy Music

Most musically gifted children are constantly singing or humming to familiar tunes. You may notice that your child has an exceptional memory for melodies and other musical information. If your child enjoys listening to the same song over and over again, he may be drawn to music. If he also sing the song same as they learn to speak. He is likely exhibiting solid signs of musical inclination or giftedness. In the same way, if he is creating music by tapping random objects at home and seeming like patterns of sounds, it could also be a vital sign musically gifted.

4. Play Music with Ear

Play with eyes are easier. You have the note with you and finger can follow. However, one of the strongest sign of kids with superior musical talent is that they can play melodies on instruments without note reading. It takes time, patience, and a lot of practice to play instruments by ear. If it comes naturally to your child, chances are they are naturally musically talented.

5. Move with Rhythm

Most children may naturally respond to music by swaying or dancing to it, even if you do not teach them. However, when they are older, and you notice that their movements seem to have more grace and match the rhythm of the music, then it could be a vital sign of musical giftedness.

Particular movements like tapping the table with patterned beats that blend through the music ideally may mean that they understand rhythm.

6. Natural Hand Coordination

A music teacher always emphasizing the “three Cs”: concentration, coordination, and confidence. Coordination is perhaps the most difficult of these to master. Many instruments, particularly keyboards, guitars, and drums, require both hands to work in tandem at times and against each other at others. This can be very difficult for beginners who are primarily “one-handed.” You can learn it by practice, however, some of the musically gifted kids never feel the “miscommunication” between left and right hands.

Test for Musical Gifted Kids

Aside from checking for signs, you can also subject your child to professionally-conducted music tests. You can consult with a licensed music teacher or music specialist to know which test will fit your child’s potential gift.

Various music tests can assess your child, including potential scale, talent identification, and checklist. These tests can also be the basis for music scholarship grants and qualifying requirements for special performing arts schools. In the same way, the results of these tests can also determine the best program that your child can undergo to realize their full potential further.


A musically-gifted child is undoubtedly a delight for any parent. And we all want to make sure we provide the necessary and best kind of support so they can maximize their talent and potential. Identifying the signs early will set the right path toward understanding their needs, skill, and passion. As your child grows up, so is his giftedness continuously being honed.

If you can, getting professional insight will drop all doubts on your end. It can help you take your child to the best music and performing arts schools that can open more opportunities for their growth and development.

About Me

Hi, there. I am Lin. Together with my husband and two kids, we live in the beautiful Netherlands in Europe. I am dedicated to self-development, creating quality time for the whole family, and fully supporting kids with their potentials and possibilities with all I have learned from engineering, MBA, and 10+ years of working experience in the energy sector.

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