According to CDC, one adult need 150 minutes pf physical activity each week (30 min per day). Working out with toddlers in the house is anything but easy, and it took us a while to adjust to working out with them. Part of the problem was that we were perpetually on alert with the kids around – thinking of all the things that could go wrong. Well, that was before we length how to work around it. In this article, you will find 10 ways to exercise with a toddler at home.
Table of Contents
How to Exercise with Your Toddler at home
1. Break Your Workout into Shorter Sections
We know you love to get your 30 minutes workout done at once. However, the reality is that it is near essential to get the whole exercise in at a go. Thus, the wise thing would be to split your workout into shorter 10-minutes segments at the start, and you can training for 10-minutes thrice a day.
As they get older, you can resume your long workout sessions. Remember, it’s more about consistency than the length of your exercise.

2. Be Flexible
With little kids running around the house, you will need to be very creative and flexible. It is essential to realize that your exercise needn’t be confined to a room or the gym. You can work out while you make the meals or do the dishes. You can get a lot done during the hours your kids are away at school or with the sitter. Remember to go with the flow.
3. Try Outdoors
One of our favorite ways to work out is to take my exercise routine outside. We engage the kids with TV or music and sneak out the back to break a sweat. They can also play outdoors while you keep an eye on them. Trust us, and they will get a kick out of watching you do your rounds.

4. Throw in Some Screen Time
An easy way to get your kids to settle down and leave you to do your thing is to give them extra screen time. They can play their favorite games on your iPad or watch an age-appropriate cartoon while you are doing exercise. Trust us. It works like a charm. Don’t feel guilty about the screen time; sometimes, you have to do what you do.
Alternatively, you can distract them with some new toys or fun activities. For example, we give the kids their Lego set, a new toy, or some other novel item whenever we want to work out. You can also engage them with art supplies like sketch pads and crayons to explore their creativity while you do your thing. If you need some suggestions on TV shows, click here!

5. Plan Your Workouts
One way to effectively work out is to plan your exercise with a toddler at home. Know precisely what you want to do and for how long. That way, you don’t waste precious time figuring it all out. You can look up standard workout plans to get an idea. One more thing, while drafting your workout plan, get the right gear and equipment you need.
6. Let Them Join You
Toddlers often like to do what they see you doing. So, don’t discourage them from joining you. It is a pleasure that they can see that your health is a priority and want to join you.
You can make up fun names for the exercises and have them join you. You can start with soft exercises like yoga, frog jumps, and even pushups. Don’t worry too much if they can’t seem to get it right. The most important thing is that you are setting the right example for them. Let them in on the benefits of exercise – stress reliever, immune booster, etc.

7. Look for Engaging Exercises for Your Kids
You can involve your kids in your workout routine. Start by finding kid-friendly exercises. A great example is dancing – yes, dancing is a great way to burn calories and keep fit. What’s more, it can serve as a great family bonding moment for yourself and your kids. Get your heart racing on the dance floor with your toddler today and watch how many calories you burn.
8. Do the Traditional Exercises
Don’t be quick to bash old-school exercises – they still work wonders. A great example is pushups; they engage your entire body. The best part is that you can turn it into a fun game with your toddler. For every pushup you do, they get a kiss. How sweet!
You can also use them as extra weights while doing your sit-ups. Place them on your stomach and roll up and down, and you’ll get a lot of happy shrieks from them.
9. Take Advantage of the Jog Stroller
Jog strollers are lovely contraptions that allow you to take a jog or run with your toddler in tow. Your kid can take in all of the new and exciting sights while you enjoy your workout. Before the end of your workout, your toddler would probably have dozed off.
We advise that you select jog strollers with larger wheels because they offer less resistance. So, the stroller is easier for you to push and puts less strain on your wrist.
10. Make It a Family Affair
You can take up a sport as a family activity. Make a list of the exercises each family member loves (don’t forget your toddler), and all of you can do it together. You can play soccer, run around the garden, jog, swim, or even do yoga. You can even sign up at the local recreational center as a family.

Bonus: Fun Exercises for Kids
Here are some fun exercises you can do with your toddler
1. Running
This one is pretty obvious. But yes, running is something even toddlers can do, and it helps them burn off all the pent-up energy. You also benefit from all the running. After all, that’s some serious cardio.
2. Skipping
You and your toddler can skip. It helps teach them coordination and improves their balance. Skipping also enhances their ability to sense movement and objects.
3. Jumping
By 18 months, most toddlers can bounce. What’s more, it is an excellent way for both of you to strengthen your core muscles. Your kids also improve their balance and coordination as they jump.
4. Crab Walks
Crab walks are fun for you and your toddler to engage in. they help strengthen your core muscles, and they also help improve balance and coordination. On the other hand, you benefit from the activity – it helps build upper body strength and endurance.
Here is a CDC film below to give examples.
Final Thoughts
Most people love to work out when their toddlers are asleep or not around. It sounds like a great idea, but all it does is restrict you. So, you’ll find out that you are perpetually waiting for your tot to sleep or go to school before you can do anything. To help, we have listed valuable tips on how to exercise with a toddler at home. We hope it helps you.
About Me
Hi, there. I am Lin. Together with my husband and two kids, we live in the beautiful Netherlands in Europe. I am dedicated to self-development, creating quality time for the whole family, and fully supporting kids with their potentials with all I have learned from engineering, MBA, and 10+ years of working experience in the energy sector.