Dear readers, Thanks very much for your support for pragmatic lifestyle this year! I wish you and your family all the best for 2023!
As a mother, worker and blogger, it is not easy to balance the three tasks. But I believe we are on the same journey together.

For me, pragmatic means realistic targets, high efficiency, and transparent communication at this stage.
Table of Contents
Realistic Targets

I posted the first article on Feb 4 2022 and published 136 articles till today (average 2 to 3 articles per week). Most of the topics are coming from friends and readers. For example, they asked me how to deal with bullying at school, therefore I wrote the topic series of “diversity and inclusion”, like
- 12 Things can Help Raise Kids with Diversity and Inclusion in Mind
- 17 Script Examples of Talking to Parents with Disabled Children
- STOP Giving Me Compassion! 7 Tips on Talking to Parents with Disabled Kids
- 10 Ways to Be an Upstanders in Bullying
- 5 Life-Changing Lessons by Parenting Autism Kids
- Room Parent Feedback – Parents Involvement in Primary School
- Prevent Kids from Bullying: A Complete Guide for Young Schoolers’ Parents (5 to 8 years)
- How to Keep Your Child Safe: 8 Pedophile (Child Molester) Warning Signs
Also about how to choose extra curriculum for kids, then we came with the topic of
- 3 Criteria to Choose Extracurricular Activities For Young Schoolers
- 10 Best Extracurricular Activities For Young Schoolers
- 8 Type of Intelligence – Every Kid is Gifted
- 10 Benefits and Challenges of Theatre Lessons for Kids (Age 5-12)
- The Cost Overview of Learning Music
And there are more other topics as well, in 2023, I will continue with this pace and expand the pillars of career management and household money management. If you have any suggestion or challenges that bothers you, please send me an email and I am very willing to discuss it with you.
High Efficiency
The era of blogging seems finished and all the traffic goes to YouTube, Instagram, or Tiktok, I still like the way of expressing by text, the information of articles (2000 words) is mostly equal to 15 min video, and you can read it in 7 min. I will try to put more videos and pictures to assist the topic. If you have any other ways of increasing the efficiency, please let me know.
I spend a lot of time on writing but also benefit from it. Every evening, when the kids fall asleep and the kitchen is clean, my world is quiet again. Then I started to open the notebook and imagined that a friend sit in front of me with dialogue. The process helped me concise thinking, consolidate ideas and reflect on my actions. This year, I was promoted to the company’s social performance manager, a job in balance of emotional and rational. I attribute most of my writing and reflecting skills.

Transparent Communication
After the MBA study, I have a long thinking process, what is my next step? Consultancy, Banking or Tech Company like many other cohorts? Later on, I decided to start the blog, there are too many parents struggling to balance the parenting role and work. If I had a time machine travelling back, there are so many things I could do differently. To date, I got the 1st rank by google for one article: “script of telling kids about divorce”, and 2nd “top female jobs in 2022”. I did not open an advertisement function and not planned for 2023 as well, which means the blog is still not profitable. I post every time on my Facebook account once a while in Pinterest, that’s all I did for the blog so far.

Over all visitors, 80% is coming from google search, that is where I met you guys.
I love my readers and try to reply to all the messages weekly. It is a great honor and lucky to meet all of you and hope we can work more together next year!
Wish you and your family all the best in 2023!
Best Regards,
About Me
Hi, there. I am Lin. Together with my husband and two kids, we live in the beautiful Netherlands in Europe. I am dedicated to self-development, creating quality time for the whole family, and fully supporting kids with their potentials and possibilities with all I have learned from engineering, MBA, and 10+ years of working experience in the energy sector.